
Season information








Castle Vale Town

Players & Guardian’s Code of Conduct



1.     To ensure players are always on time and must have correct clothing such as club kit, shin pads and boots. If club kit is not available then a valid reason why not, you do not attend school without a uniform.

2.     To ensure all litter is picked up when representing the club whether that’s at training/ matches, home/ away.

3.     To look after equipment given by the club and bring it to every training session and match. (Failure to do so will result in you having to buy replacements.)

4.     Must show respect to coaches, spectators, and other players always.

5.     To put football boots on prior to walking on the pitch and to take them off when off the pitch.

6.     Must take football boots off before entering the club house, and when in the club house show a respectful manner.

7.     To help coaches pack away at the end of training/ matches and not to start kicking the balls around after the session has finished.

8.     To ensure there is no bad language/ bad behaviour whilst representing the club.

9.     All training sessions parents/guardians must not leave children under 16 unsupervised, coaches are here to train players, it is not the responsibility of any coach to supervise your child.

If these expectations are continuously breached coaches/ committee members have the authority to either suspend player from playing or even release them from the club.


Castle Vale Town F.C. ‘Spitfires’ is going through a #seasonofchange the hashtag will be on all social media platforms from Facebook to Twitter, Instagram and beyond. All players and parents are expected to help the club with this change get involved in events, improve parents, coaches and players overall behaviour and professionalism and grow this club to the ***** (5 star) accredited club it should be. We all need to drive child development so players can have an opportunity at Academy and Pro football.


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